78 Behind the Scenes

    CPOY Blog

    Behind the scenes of College Photographer of the Year

    What's the secret sauce for an educational contest that has survived nearly 80 year and is expanding its international reach year after year?

    It's the sponsors, the coordinators, the volunteers, the judges, the social media team, the audio team, the website gurus, our partner POY, the student entrants and the "grandparent coordinators" of past years who answer late night calls for help.

    Scroll on for our peek behind the scenes of the judging, the awards, the gallery shows and more.

    CPOY 78 AWARDS, September 2024

    CPOY 78 JUDGING, October 2023

    The 78 CPOY Judges!

    Christian Gooden, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
    Dominique Hildebrand, National Geographic
    Whitney Matewe, NBC and MSNBC
    Craig F. Walker, The Boston Globe
    Andrea Patiño Contreras, Independent Filmmaker
    Guy Wathen, San Francisco Chronicle
    Kenzie, Bruce, Blue Chalk Media

    Hear from the CPOY 78 judges

    C78-Judges-Still Division-Introduction

    CPOY 78 Still Division judging panel includes Craig Walker, Whitney Matewe, Dominique Hildebrand and Christian Gooden! Watch this video to learn more about this year's judging panel!

      Thank you, CPOY 78 Sponsors!

      The People Who Made 78 Happen

      Clayton Steward, Coordinator
      Ellie, Frystak, Coordinator
      Minh Connors, Lead Coordinator
      Jackie Bell, CPOY Director
      Lynden Steele, POY Director/Advisor
      Caroline McCone, Webmaster
      Minh deserves a nap

      Social Media Blitz 78

      Bailey Stover and Rhianna Brown, Mizzou Photojournalism seniors, ran the 78th social media, creating an incredible number of fun infographics, behind the scenes images and winning image posts. Thank you both!

      Where do our 10,064 CPOY 78 entries come from?

      the 49 countries with entries
      8 countries with first-time entries
      Spot News entries
      Countries with one Spot News entry
      International Picture Story entries from 12 countries
      Countries with Domestic Picture Story entries
      U.S. breakdown, Domestic Picture Story entries

      judging week, CPOY 78

      Categories 78 - By the Numbers

      By The Numbers CPOY 78
      Portfolio entries
      Documentary Photographic Project entries
      Multimedia: Individual Story or Essay entries
      Sports Portfolio entries
      Sports Portfolio breakdown
      Sports Portfolio aperture & focal length
      Sports Action breakdown
      Sports Action focal length
      Portraits focal length
      General News breakdown
      Feature category entries
      Thank you entrants!

      See more at cpoy.org