CPOY 64 Portfolio Gold, College Photographer of the Year: Ryan C. Henriksen

A portfolio should showcase your vision as well as demonstrate versatility, expertise and depth.

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September 29, 2008

Inseparable Ties is a documentary about one mixed family's resiliency, imagination, and ties stronger than blood. The Hedges family resides in New Straitsville, a small town in rural Southeast Ohio, and is comprised of Wayne Hedges, Wayne's seven children, Wayne's girlfriend, Lorena Davis, and three of Lorena's children who primarily reside with Wayne and Lorena. In spite of the poverty and poor living conditions which surround their daily lives, their love for life and their love for each other continues to carry them over and beyond most of these obstacles. Lorena is the primary bread winner for the family and spends most of her time working at a local bar in downtown New Straitsville.  Lorena's income is supplemented by Wayne who scraps metal from old cars. While their parents are away from home and working long hours, the children who range in age from 6 to 17 are on their own with the oldest ones in charge. Although they are not blood related, the children refer to one another as "brother" and "sister." 

Wayne Hedges plays with his kids, (from left) Shantelle & Cierra Hedges and his girlfriend's youngest daughter Reanna Davis in the front of their home in New Straitsville, Ohio on Monday, Sept. 29, 2008. The family, consisting of eleven children, Wayne and his girlfriend, Lorena, doesn't have extra money to go out so they entertain themselves with what they have at home.

Ryan C. Henriksen / Ohio University
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