CPOY 69 Interpretive Eye

A picture that showcases a photographer’s distinctive perspective on the world. May express beauty, tension, harmony, chaos and other abstract concepts through composition, tonal and color relationships or may be an abstraction or non-traditional photograph. This category is open to images created with the use of software capture filters (such as those utilized by Hipstamatic, CameraBag or Instagram), but not to digital alteration of content through the use of post capture editing software.

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Gold: Bhutanese Mourning Ceremony
The grandfather of deceased Prem Thapa, 17, of Erie, Pa., stands in Prem's bedroom on Aug. 4, 2014. Prem's body was found floating in the waters of Presque Isle Bay in Erie on July 26. The Thapa family, who are Bhutanese refugees living in Pennsylvania, held a traditional 13 day mourning ceremony in Prem's bedroom to prepare Prem for the afterlife. The men in the family who lead the ritual are only allowed to wear white clothing during the 13 day period. This image was made using the iPhone app Hipstamatic.
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